Friday, February 1, 2013

Resolutions and a Recipe

If you haven't noticed, I've taken quite a bit of a break since before Christmas. My husband started school and is working full time so our lives have changed quite a bit within the last few weeks. I have been cooking a lot and playing with my new camera! I got a Nikon D3000 and Photoshop Elements which will hopefully help me produce better pictures to help your mouths water! I also made a few New Years resolutions which I really haven't done before. One was to make a habit of working out. The next, to start eating healthier for me and for my daughter, Paisley. That's what I want to talk to you about. I've discovered the lifestyle of Eating Clean...

It all started before the holidays.
 I was on Pinterest just minding my own business and I saw a pin for the website  which I've seen in the past and I had actually been on their website before. For some reason, this time was different. When I re-read the story of their (he and she) transformation and the transition to eating only clean foods I thought "is that something I could do?" 
I know most of you are probably parents and some maybe not yet, but when your child starts eating the same food as you do it really makes you (me at least) rethink what you put into your mouth. Did I really want her eating the same things I was eating? Food like brownies, cookies, Hamburger Helper, french fries, etc.? So I told my husband about eating clean and of course he looked at me like I was some crazy person because he thought it was a crazy diet. Well it's absolutely not a crazy diet. It's a way of life. The next time I talked to him about it he actually said it sounded like a good idea! I could hardly believe what I had just heard! My husband, who's favorite dinner is baked potatoes and pot roast actually wanted to go along with me in my journey to eat clean. I was so relieved since I knew I wouldn't be able to accomplish this lifestyle without him. So we decided that after the holidays (of course) we would start eating cleaner, less processed foods.  You know what? We've stuck to it since then. It's been our New Years resolution to change what we eat for the sake for each of us and our daughters heath and well being. Obviously we have cheated some and had a few processed snacks here and there. We are still human and we get that. All in all we have way better than I could have ever imagined. We are still transitioning but we're getting better each day. It is not an easy task but the benefits are innumerable!
If you want more information about Eating Clean visit,, or They are all really good resources to find out for yourself  if eating clean is something you'd like to do to. I'll be adding some tips along the way to help each of you eat a little healthier.

Now, most of my recipes from now on may be part of my eating clean plan but trust me, flavor is not sacrificed with any of the recipes I've tried so far. So don't be afraid! I'm still the Bad Kitty in the Kitchen just in a different way. :) If you have any questions PLEASE ask! I'd love to help!

Let's get on to something delicious shall we?
I found this recipe on Pinterest and it's from The first time I made it I made it exactly how her recipe said to prepare it. She used melted butter and maple syrup to sweeten it which isn't exactly a clean eating choice. So the second time I made it (this last Monday) I tweeked it a little to fit our clean eating needs and guess what? It tasted EXACTLY the same! It turned out wonderfully. I also doubled the recipe so we could have it for breakfast all week. For the two of us it lasted five days which is pretty darn awesome! I love dishes that last a long time, that means not as much cooking for me. If you don't want such a big dish just half the recipe and only use a 8 x 8 or 2 qt. baking dish. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as we do!

Blueberry Baked Oatmeal
adapted from

2 cups old fashion oats
1/2 cup chopped walnuts, divided
1 tsp. baking powder
1 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp. salt
1/2 cup sucanat* or brown sugar
2 cups skim milk (I used unsweetened vanilla almond milk)
2 large egg whites, lightly beaten
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 bananas, peeled and sliced
2 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen, divided
Cooking spray

1 Medium bowl
1 9 x 13 baking dish
Measuring cups
Measuring spoons

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. 
2. Spray a 3-quart baking dish (9 x 13) with cooking spray.
3.In a medium bowl, mix the oats, half of the walnuts, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. Stir to combine. 
4. Spread the sliced bananas in a single layer over the bottom of the baking dish. Top with half of the blueberries. Sprinkle the dry oat mixture over the fruit in an even layer. 
5. Then, using the same medium bowl, combine the sucanat or brown sugar, milk, eggs, oil and vanilla. Mix until sucanat is mostly dissolved. Pour the liquid ingredients evenly over the oats. Make sure that the dry oat mixture is completely wet or you'll end up with dry oats (I know from experience). 
6. Sprinkle the remaining nuts and berries over the top. Bake for 35-40 minutes, until the top is browned and the oats have set. Let cool 10 minutes before serving. 

*In this recipe I used Sucanat which probably some of you have never heard of. Unlike processed white sugar, Sucanat retains its molasses content. Nothing is added and nothing is taken out so it's a much healthier choice. It also helps keep your blood sugar balanced. Brown sugar is okay to use too or another healthy sweetener you have.

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